Daily Update
Hello McSwain Families,
We hope you are enjoying your break. As we return to school on Monday, November 27th, we would like to resend our drop-off procedures as a refresher. In addition, please take a look at the additional information below.
Drop Off Reminder
To alleviate bottlenecks in traffic, parents who are coming to drop off their students will need to follow the procedures:
If you have a student in grade TK-3, you will drop them off in the West Campus drop-off zone.
If you have a student in grades 4-8, you will drop them off in the East Campus drop-off zone.
Families with students on both campuses will drop them off on the West Campus, and a crossing guard will help walk the older students over to East Campus.
Drop Off Norms
When pulling into the drop-off zone, please pull all the way forward
Students should exit on the passenger side of the car only
Parents should not leave their vehicle
West Campus drop-off - enter from Hwy 140 onto Scott Road
East Campus drop-off - enter from Vaughn Ave; onto Scott Road
Parking Tips
Arrive early for drop-off. Students are allowed to enter campus by 7:30 am.
If you arrive late or close to the start of school, you will be in traffic.
Follow the designated routes. If you do not, there is a negative impact on our procedure, and you will be in more traffic.
For pickup in the afternoon, please show up at the correct time.
For students being picked up on the East Campus, parents feel free to park on the street and walk up to meet their students.
If you are running late in the afternoon, students are under the supervision of an adult. Coming after the original wave of traffic will also help expedite pickup.
Exciting News from McSwain – Our YouTube Channel Relaunch!
We're thrilled to announce the relaunch of the McSwain YouTube channel! Kicking off with an insightful video from our incredible transportation department, we delve into the critical topic of adhering to traffic laws and procedures.
Don't miss out on this informative and engaging content.
Watch now by clicking here!
Technology Tip
We wanted to send a reminder about Chromebook care. In working with our library technicians, we want to ensure Mustangs continue to handle their Chromebooks with care. Broken Screens do occur but can be easily avoided with correct handling.
Common mishandlings:
Dropping the device on a hard surface without it being in a zippered case
Closing the lid with an object on the keyboard (i.e., paper clip, pencil, pen, etc.)
Stepping on the Chromebook with or without a case
Throwing the Chromebook with or without a case
Horseplay results in a Chromebook being knocked off a desk or used as a weapon.
Screen Repair Costs: $50.00
Please continue to be careful with your Chromebooks and their handling.
Coffee with Mr.P!
Once a month, we will be hosting a forum called Coffee with Mr. Pannu. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss ongoing events here at Mcswain and how we could continue to strengthen the partnership between our school and our students and families. Our first session of the year will be on 11/28, at 8:15 am in the West Campus Cafeteria.
Our meeting will focus on our Academic Test Results from state testing
For parents unable to make the meeting, we will also upload a presentation copy onto our website.
Donuts and Coffee will be served.
This is open to all Parents! Spanish Translation will be available.