Interdistrict Attendance Agreement
All transfer forms must be renewed annually. We will begin accepting applications in February for the upcoming year. Although we start collecting applications in February, applications are reviewed beginning in May. The district office will contact you via email to inform you if your application is approved or denied.
Timeline for interdistrict transfer requests:
February 1 - District will begin accepting interdistrict transfer requests.
May 1 - District will begin approving interdistrict transfer requests. District will send notification of approval to families.
July 1 - Deadline for all current students to submit an interdistrict transfer request.
August 1 - All student contracts for approved interdistrict transfer requests are due.
Failure to submit student contract may result in revoking of interdistrict transfer agreement.
Interdistrict Transfer: Incoming
Families who live outside of McSwain Union Elementary School District boundaries and want to attend McSwain Elementary School must contact the Home District. Once the form is completed by your home district the form can be dropped of at the District office or emailed to [email protected] All interdistrict transfers are contingent upon space availability and must be renewed annually.
Students must meet the enrollment criteria listed below:
- Student must maintain regular attendance.
- Student must observe school rules and regulations.
- Student must arrive to class on time each day.
- Student must maintain positive behavior.
- Student must meet enrollment criteria as established in Board Policy 5117.
Board Policy 5117: Interdistrict Attendance
Regulation 5117: Interdistrict Attendance
Interdistrict Transfer: Exiting
This form is to be completed by families who wish to attend a school outside the McSwain Union Elementary School District boundaries. Please complete a form for each child requesting a transfer. If you have questions, please call Sarah Coate at 354-2707. Once the form is completed the form can be dropped of at the District office or emailed to [email protected]